All aboard TørningEkspressen! The vintage train leaves Haderslev West Station at 12:00 bound for Hammelev Station. Next, a leisurely ride in a horse-drawn carriage to Tørning Mølle, where there is a guided tour describing the 1000-year history of Tørning Mølle (children can choose to go fishing instead). After the guided tour there is a light lunch. The horse-drawn carriage then takes us through Pamhule Forest, making a brief stop at the historical Christiansdal power plant. We round off the trip at Damende, boarding the Lake Boat Dorothea to Bispebroen in Haderslev (arriving at about 17.30). NB: Guests must find their own way from Bispebroen back to Haderslev West Station (1 km = about a 12-minute walk).

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